
Last Tuesday, since things were still quiet around the office, we were able to go to one of the more “touristy” parts of town with several of my friends. We started out with lunch at a seafood restaurant on the Río Magdalena, and then went out to Bocas de Ceniza, to the end of the narrow breaker that juts out into the water separating the mouth of the river from the Caribbean. It was incredibly windy, but beautiful, and we had a lovely time (although getting back was a bit rough, since there was a sort of traffic jam with the little train cars that carry you out there). Here’s a glimpse of what it was like, you can see more of my pictures at

About Sarah

I serve with Presbyterian World Mission as Peace Initiative Promoter and Young Adult Volunteer Site Coordinator in Colombia. This blog is a place to share stories, experiences, and observations, both my own and those of friends and colleagues and the occasional item of news.
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